Monday, February 10, 2020

I would much rather...

...not be at work today.

I think I am depressed. I've been in a funk for some time and in a bad mood for the last few days. Stupid things set me off; stuff that typically would be no big deal. I am feeling fat...well, that's because I AM FAT. I am on the KETO diet but depression and diet are worst of mates.

I am really tired of my job and my commute but I feel trapped. I make decent money, have good benefits and as much time off as I need, within reason of course.

The money is the problem. It took me 20 years to get to where I am and if I change jobs now I am looking at a 30% pay cut, minimum. Besides, what I am going to do? The same thing? Somewhere else? For less money?

At my age that seems like a really stupid idea.

Therein lies my dilemma.